Democracy, dystopia, and the cult of the CEO


“In the year 2018, nations have bankrupted and disappeared, replaced by corporations.”

Over at Medium, I just posted some thoughts on CEO presidents and the idea of “running government like a business.”  And the more important question of what Rollerball has to do with it all:

You’re Fired—Democracy, Dystopia and the Cult of the CEO

Looking through holes in the border wall


[pic: The U.S. border where it walks into the Pacific, viewed from Tijuana.]

If I had never left Iowa, the state where I grew up, I might find all this talk of building border walls more persuasive.  Iowa is a long way from Mexico. But I’ve lived in the borderzone longer than I’ve lived anywhere else, and spent a good bit of time crossing over. Since 9/11, I’ve seen the U.S.-Mexico border become one of the most fortified places on Earth.  Six hundred miles of sophisticated new physical barriers have been constructed since 2006, in the places where the Border Patrol said they were needed, expanding on the barriers that have been going up since the Clinton years—like the fortification pictured above that comes up out of the Pacific between Tijuana and San Diego.  Other sections are fortified by the “virtual fence” of sensors, drones, blimps, surveillance towers and armed patrols—much of it using technologies and methods developed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s easy to talk about border walls.  I’ve written about them—here, here and here—arguing that their real purpose is not so much to actually keep people and contraband out as it is to persuade citizens far from the border that the legal fiction the wall renders tangible really exists.

It’s not as easy to look at border walls, especially if you don’t live within driving distance of one—or don’t want to confront the reality that diversity is the future no matter what barriers we may erect.  But there are other ways to experience the reality of U.S. border fortifications that already exist.

Last year, for a conference in Monterrey, I conducted an experiment in looking at the border wall without ever getting up from my chair.  Drawing inspiration from the work of the artist Jon Rafman and the Mexican photographer Alberto Rodríguez, I traversed the length of the border in Google Street View, on both sides, looking for holes in the wall.  Here is some of what I found.  Even better, try it yourself.  Open Google Maps, find a spot along the border, launch Street View, and look for a way to cross.  If you can find a hole, click on it, and see what happens.

brownsville gate rev

Border wall gate at Brownsville, Texas


muro minimal rev

21st century border wall as minimalist land art, looking at Arizona from Sonora



Hole in the border wall, Matamoros


mexicali stripes rev

View through the border wall, Mexicali


trampoline rev

Texas backyard: trampoline, border wall, nine eyes


brownsville fm 1419 rev

FM 1419, Texas


sections rev

Border wall gate, Arizona


basura matamoros rev

Forager in the shadows by a crack in the border wall at Matamoros, Gateway bridge span in the background


fin del mundo friendship park

DMZ of “Friendship Park,” San Diego Imperial Beach, looking at the border wall where it goes out into the Pacific


tecate perros espiritus rev

Spectral street dog in Tecate, “Pueblo Magico”


gate 212 az rev

Under construction, Arizona

parking wall nogales rev

Nogales, pedestrian crossing


lights camera action rev

Arc lights over the border zone, suburban San Diego


nogales long rev

Nogales, long view



Art museum with border wall, Texas


nogales crosses rev

Memorials to a few of those who didn’t make it alive


last stop boder patrol san luis az rev

Arizona DMZ, at the spot where this Border Patrol officer made the Google car turn around.