Our experiment in feral domesticity, Edgeland House, was the subject of a generous feature this week by the poet and independent journalist Julie Poole for the March issue of Texas Monthly. I was delighted to read her closely observed report on coming over to visit, and I appreciate her efforts to situate the project in the context of my work as a writer. And the photography by Casey Dunn really brings out the beauty and color of the house in midwinter. Full story here.
And over at Transfer Orbit, Andrew Liptak has the full transcript of a conversation he and I had a few weeks back about climate fiction, including a reconsideration of some canonical American novels as such. Andrew is an insightful interviewer and an incredibly hard-working independent writer, and his newsletter is perhaps the best out there on the subjects of fantastic fiction and the business of science fiction. This interview was originally conducted for Andrew’s piece about climate fiction for Grist, but my comments didn’t survive the editorial condensation, so it was nice to see the whole conversation end up as its own piece. (There are a few spots where my Midwestex mumbling confounded the transcription bot, but the ideas come through just fine.)
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